Youth Scholarship Fund
Starting in the 2018/19 season Barford Tigers will be starting a youth scholarship fund which will go towards nutrition advice as well as additional personal fitness and mechanics training.
Why Apply?​
Quite simply because Barford Tigers HC will invest in your overall development as an athlete and help to lay the foundations for you to compete at the highest level and more importantly establish life long healthy living habits.
Why do you qualify?​
Players will have to agree to the following criteria:
Aged 20 or under
To attend at least 75% of training sessions
Commit to attending pre-arranged fitness/mentoring sessions
Commit to a nutrition plan
Report to an assigned mentor on a monthly basis
Players and parents/guardians will also be asked to take part quarterly survey to give feedback on their experiences with Barford Tigers HC
How do you apply?​
To apply both parents/guardian and the youth member will sign a form of commitment as well as write a personal statement outlining how they think the fund will help them and why they think they should be accepted on the programme. Please download and fill out the form below and send directly to
For more info please contact Gurmej Pawar - 07811 375 633